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About RazorGage, Technical Services, Inc.

Since 2001, RazorGage has been known for excellent customer support and manufacturing machine tool grade, programmable saw stops and pusher systems that have set a new standard for accuracy, repeatability and dependability. The affordable RazorGage XT-PC comes with a rugged Android tablet which features intuitive software designed to make setups quick and easy. The RazorGage RG3 features a Hiwin hardened & ground linear bearing rail with 2 recirculating ball bearing blocks for maximum rigidity, accuracy and long life. When you upgrade the system to include the Windows interface, the added versatility of the RazorGage RG3 allows you to do even more to reduce waste and labor cost. The upper end of the product line is the RazorOptimal - an optimizing cut-off saw system with crayon defecting, parts labeling and can include pocket hole drilling and scribe marking for face frame joinery. The RazorGage Product Line is manufactured by Technical Services, Incorporated in Ames, Iowa, USA. Technical Services, Inc. has been developing custom, specialized machinery for more than 40 years. We draw from those decades of widely varying experiences, to build the finest positioning and pusher systems designed to maximize your investment. We will be demonstrating our product line ranging from the entry-level XT-PC positioner to the top-of-the-line RazorOptimal with Pocket Hole drilling and Scribe Marking optimizing saw system. RazorOptimal systems scan crayon defect marks and board length to automatically optimize cut list solutions into defect-free areas of your materials. Pocket Holes can be drilled into named parts and scribe marks can be placed where rails are to join to stiles. RazArray sorting assist will be featured to assist the operator in sorting parts by your key parameter such as cabinet number. Most companies are producing CAD designs for cabinetry and other projects. The designs are used for estimating, engineering and manufacturing. RazorGage AutoList software can accept .CSV formatted output files produced on software from design applications such as Cabinet Vision®, CabnetWare®, KCD®, Microvellum®, Mozaik® and many others. AutoList and RazorOptimal will display cut lists on the operator’s touch screen after automatically sorting and organizing the different materials. Once a board has been scanned for defect marks and length, the RazorOptimal and AutoList software determines the best fit for remaining parts in the list to fit defect-free areas, thus increasing the yield of parts from the purchased materials—less waste—more profit! Networking is a snap as all RazorGage controllers have built-in Wi-Fi. Downloading cut or drill position data to RazorGage XT-PC or Windows RG3 positioners eliminates the measuring and marking of parts that often results in mistakes and accuracy issues. Eliminate those operator mistakes and improve productivity. Any data downloaded to a RazorGage Windows-based application can be printed on an optional label printer—speeding up the sorting and assembly processes. RazorOptimal saw systems can automatically inkjet print directly onto your parts if you wish. RazorGage is demonstrating their product line in Building B, Booth #B8135.

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